COMBINED-Code of Ethics and Advisory Opinions 02132024

3 Part II – Rules Consistent with the Values described in Part I, NRMLA Members agree to comply with the following Rules (as applicable). Rules Related to the Value of Fairness Rule 101 NRMLA Members shall timely and accurately describe to consumers:  Material information relevant to the relationship, including, the Member’s business affiliation, contact information, and the scope of and limitations on the Member’s authority to act; and  The information required by all laws applicable to the relationship in a manner complying with such laws, including counseling agency contact information, estimates of fees and charges, and relationships with others who may be assisting or providing related services. Rule 102 NRMLA Members compensation shall be reasonable in amount and clearly and timely described to consumers. Estimates shall be clearly identified as such and be based on reasonable assumptions. Rule 103 NRMLA Members directly or indirectly offering or providing goods or services to consumers (including, for example, insurance or investment products) in conjunction with or that are related to their reverse mortgage lending activities for such consumers, shall do so only in a manner consistent with applicable law and under terms and conditions that are clearly and timely described to such consumers. Rule 104 NRMLA Members shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit or communicate with consumers through false or misleading or deceptive or unfair communications or advertisements or in any manner inconsistent with applicable law. In such communications and advertisements, NRMLA Members shall not refer to third parties (including, for example, HUD or the FHA or the federal government or the AARP) unless such third parties have agreed to be so referred to therein. A communication or advertisement on behalf of NRMLA Member clearly shall identify that NRMLA Member. Rule 105 NRMLA Members shall not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation, or knowingly make a material false or misleading statement to consumers or others.