Sept./Oct. 2023 RMM

Staying Ahead With Servicing continued on page 20 REVERSE MORTGAGE BORROWERS can tap into online tools to manage most aspects of their loans. But their faith in technology only goes so far. Borrowers often call in to make sure their online requests were picked up, even if they were sent a confirmation via email, says Marion McDougall, CEO of Celink, a reverse mortgage subservicer based in Lansing, MI. “There’s still that little bit of hesitation that we see,” she says, noting that Celink has been working to address the issue. One solution is the company’s voice-response phone system, which uses predictive analytics to anticipate why a borrower is calling. The system might know that the caller recently initiated a withdrawal from a line of credit, for example, and thus leads off with a message that the request has been received. Servicers Innovate With New Technologies and Evolving Customer Expectations By Joel Berg STAYING AHEAD SERVICING with 18 REVERSE MORTGAGE / SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER 2023