Reverse Mortgage Jan-Feb 2021

A DEMOCRAT IS headed to the White House. Democrats retained control of the House by a narrower margin. And Republicans are poised to have more than half of the Senate, depending on what happens with a special election in Georgia on January 5. Meanwhile, numerous government positions important to the reverse mortgage industry, including at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), will be filled with new people. While change might cause some consternation, there is no reason to be too concerned, according to several lobbyists who represent NRMLA in the nation’s capital. “I would suggest that probably, roughly, 80 or 85 per- cent of our advocacy issues and the management of the Now What? With the 2020 Election Over, Experts Gauge Political Winds By Thomas A. Barstow 16 REVERSE MORTGAGE / JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2021